To all of the donors who provided funds to help purchase the teddy bears
To the youth at the Boys and Girls Club of Stamford, CT for making the first set of note cards with their beautiful messages and artwork
To the children at the School of Ukrainian Studies in Stamford, CT for translating the cards and adding their own personal touch
To the children from the Stamford, CT, Pleasantville, NY, Fox Lane (NY) School Districts and Green Farms Academy. Your cards are great!
To Oksana D. for connecting us to organizations in Poland and Ukraine where the teddy bears are being distributed to the children who need them the most
To Justin's friends for helping to pack the bears
To Home Depot for donating boxes and packing tape
To Dmytro for shipping the bears to Ukraine and Poland
To Henry Levin for contributing the teddy bears he requested for charity for his Bar Mitzvah